Factors Identified To Play A Role In Alzheimer’s
Alzheimer's disease is a type of dementia that triggers difficulties with memory, thinking, and behavior according to the Alzheimer's Association. Symptoms usually develop slowly and get worse over time, becoming severe enough to interfere with daily tasks. Alzheimer's affects a growing number of people. There are several factors known to play a...
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Ways To Finance In-Home Care
In-home care is the preferred living arrangement for many aging seniors. However, many medical conditions and personal care needs as adults age can cause this to become more difficult due to cost. The cost of in-home care varies from place to place, but generally follows the cost of living. Places where the...
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Are Tech Companies Jeopardizing Your Health Care Privacy?
Big Tech giants like Google, Amazon, and Apple are investing heavily in the healthcare tech field. Some of the businesses are underway, like storing medical records in the cloud for a fee or using patient forms that have been “anonymized” to create new tools. Some products already cater directly to patients, such...
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Workforce Opportunities For Older Americans
Many older Americans are willing and able to work, however, in April 2020 the unemployment rate for eligible workers 55 and older increased to 13.6 percent. COVID-19 restrictions and associated layoffs account for some unemployment increases, but so does the lack of employment opportunities among older Americans.
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Your Estate Plan Must Include These 5 Items
The need for estate planning becomes more and more critical as we age. Many people avoid estate planning because they do not want to think about the end of life, failing health, or disability. Others believe that an estate plan is only for rich people. However, an estate plan is helpful for...
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A Difficult Problem: Age Discrimination
Since the 1960's, lawmakers have continued to tackle age discrimination in the workplace. According to study.com, age discrimination is defined as “the practice of letting a person's age unfairly become a factor when deciding who receives a new job, promotion, or other job benefits. Decisions about terminating employees also...
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The Dangers Of Adding Others To Your Bank Account
Adding a child's name to a bank account may be more of a hassle than it's worth, although it can be helpful to have another party available to keep track of bills when you're sick or away. Doing so may have unintended consequences for both you and the child.
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Home Health Care And Technology For Veterans
The quest to provide cost-effective, quality in-home care for veterans has been a long-time goal of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Although the agency has long been mired in controversies surrounding its programs, particularly arbitrary caregiver dismissals, the home health services sector of the VA has long been touted as an...
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How Do You Prepare For A Pandemic In Your Estate Planning?
The 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak was officially named by the World Health Organization (WHO) on February 11, 2020. The coronavirus disease 2019 shortly after became known by its abbreviation, CO for corona, VI for virus, D for disease, and 19 for the year of the outbreak; COVID-19. This...
How Do You Prepare For A Pandemic In Your Estate Planning? Continue reading…
The Many Benefits Of Having An Elder Law Attorney
As the baby boomer generation ages and the influx of international migration continues, the senior citizen population of the United States is growing quickly. Although the US average life expectancy has seen a slight three-year decline, many Americans, men, and women live well into their 80s, 90s, and beyond. An elder law...
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